National Parks

A National Park is an area set aside for protection and preservation of its out standing scenery, flora and fauna in a natural state. It is accessible to the public for recreation, education and research activities subject to such restrictions, as the management may impose. The construction of access roads, tourist facilities and other building in the national Park must not impair the Park objectives. Forestry activities must also be controlled in the same manner.
                      The following acts are prohibited in a national Park.

  1. Hunting, shooting, trapping, killing or capturing of any wild animal inside the park or within three miles radius of its boundaries.
  2. Firing of gun or any other acts which may disturb the wildlife or interfere with their breeding places.
  3. Felling, Tapping, burning or in any way damaging or destroying , collecting or removing any plant or tree there from.
  4. Clearing or breaking up any land for cultivation mining or for any other purpose.
  5. Polluting water flowing in and through the national Park.
 There are two National Parks in Mansehra Wildlife Division i.e.

1.        Saiful Malook National Park

2.        Lulusar-Dudipat National Parks


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